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VISI CADCAM 2022.0.2213

avatar sacyou 2022-10-15 00:00 4次浏览 0 条评论 CAD CAM


VISI CADCAM 2022.0.2213

Modelling Capabilities

VISI 2022.0 contains several changes designed to simplify the software usage as well as removing the need for extra clicks providing an overall time reduction while improving productivity. We added extra tools for inspection and design to improve our modelling performances and extending market opportunities. We optimize the usability workflow, improving time reduction when performing modelling tasks.


This release continues VISI’s long tradition of bringing updated format support and continued enhancements and fixes to further improve the robustness and performance of 3D Modelling and Interoperability. The component, that provides the appropriate “converters” for the different CAD formats, is constantly improved.

Additional file formats have been added to extend synergies with MI and open new market opportunities. As usual we updated all the translators to guaranty the highest possible level of compatibility with other systems:

  • ACIS Reader/Writer library support for 2021 1.0
  • Parasolid Reader/Writer library upgrade to 33.0.247
  • CATIA V5 Reader support for CATIA V5-6 R2021
  • CATIA V6 3D Experience support for R2021x
  • Inventor 3D Reader support for 2021
  • JTOpen Reader/Writer with the Alternative library
  • JTOpen Reader support up to version 10.5, with the Alternative library
  • NX Unigraphics Reader support for latest 1926 Series up to 1946
  • NX Unigraphics Writer for PRT files
  • PC-DMIS Reader support for CAD files
  • Pro/E – Creo Parametric Reader support for Creo 7.0
  • Revit Reader support for RVT and RFA files
  • Solid Edge Reader support for 2021, with the Alternative library
  • SolidWorks Reader support for 2021
  • SolidWorks Direct Reader support for 2021 SP1 files
  • STEP 3D Read/Write support for AP242 E2, with the Alternative library

Reverse Engineering

These changes have been designed to simplify the software usage as well as reducing the need for extra clicks and overall improving productivity.

This allows our solution to stand-out and to offer powerful tools to quickly create valid model and features, offering a massive reduction in time and effort.

The module has now reached a very competitive level of functionalities that should allow entering new market opportunities as well as offering enhanced technology and synergies within Hexagon to favor our customers.

Mould Design

This release brings to our users an error free environment that improves manufacturing efficiency. In addition, more benefits can be offered to our customers through the enhanced capabilities included in the technology coming from the flow modules, such as the cooling and filling validation.

Plastic Injection Moulding Flow Simulation

The implementation of a new solution for the Filling phase, considering the satisfactory results obtained for the Holding module where this algorithm has been introduced in the previous version, brought benefits to the entire simulation chain. Not only a better flow pattern is determined but also the fibre orientation calculation has been improved.

Those enhancements allow better and more reliable part simulation, shortest calculation time and less tryouts, reflecting a more precise calculation of the deformation of the part.

Progressive Die Design

The progressive die end-to-end solution has been the focal point of VISI 2022.0 development in order to simplify software usage and to reduce the time to market while improving productivity. The workflow has been improved with a faster, easier, and more customizable unfolding process.

Standard elements library

To improve and simplify the mould assembly creation VISI 2022.0 offers a unique solution integrated within the same environment that allows customer to select our renowned standard elements library as well as an extended cloud-based solution offered through a collaboration with our partner CADENAS. This represents the first true opportunity for VISI to offer a cloud service to our customers, that noticeably will provide a great help during the mould/progress assembly design. This service is included within the VISI module at no extra cost.


VISI 2022.0 offers to our customers the best-in-class technology available within the Hexagon Group constantly improving our capabilities and performances. In this release the focus has been on reducing the unnecessary toolpath movements, providing better quality toolpath, and improving calculation speed.