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avatar sacyou 2022-10-14 00:00 6次浏览 0 条评论 CAD CAM


TS85 is a sophisticated CAM software especially developed for 5 Axis sculptured surfaces machining. The software is primarily used for blade manufacturing applications and is made out by two main integrated parts:

  • Geometrical Database, that stores the surface’s mathematical data created or imported generally through the IGES or STEP formats
  • Machining Strategy Database, which is the main programming core that generates the machining programs

The machining of a blade is performed through several steps including roughing, semi-finishing, and finishing applied on both airfoil and platforms areas. Additional features have been added through the years to accommodate “Mid-Spans” and “Edge Profiles” machining. The program offers a complete set of milling strategies. TS85 enables our customers to produce complex airfoils and turbo machinery parts faster, with the lowest possible cost.