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GibbsCAM v24.0.63

avatar sacyou 2024-05-04 00:00 8次浏览 0 条评论 CAD CAM

GibbsCAM v24.0.63_Engineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual


GibbsCAM v24.0.63

Bug Fixes
  • – Resolved an issue causing the “Graphic Part Face Distance” option is not displayed in the DCD dialog for twin spindle machines. (62574)(62593)(62594)/(702056)
  • – Resolved an issue causing Edit library becomes unavailable renaming a Fixture library. (61895)(62575)(62576)
  • – Resolved an issue causing default Flow Axis Set references a FAS that doesn’t exist. (62529)(62547)(62577)
  • – Resolved an issue causing Lathe Thread Process – “Tool Front” Position is ignored cutting in Z+ direction. (62481)(62553)(62578)/(701789)
  • – Resolved an issue causing Turn Threading dialog assigns Start and End pitch incorrectly for face threading. (62393)(62561)(62579)/(699509)
  • – Resolved an issue causing Lathe Groove Cycles – Produces inconsistent post results after Redo Op and clearing the Process List. (62580)(62585)(62586)/(702601)


  • – Updated latest OptiCAM release from 4-11-2024. (62558)(62559)(62560)
