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Autodesk PowerMill Ultimate 2023.1.1

avatar sacyou 2023-02-05 00:00 3次浏览 0 条评论 CAD CAM

Autodesk PowerMill Ultimate 2023.1.1


PowerMill 2023.1 is no longer available to download because of a regression that can cause gouging toolpaths to be calculated. PowerMill 2023.1.1 includes all the new and improved functionality from PowerMill 2023.1 and fixes the problem. If you have previously installed PowerMill 2023.1, please update to PowerMill 2023.1.1.

Rest Finishing strategy

  • The Rest Finishing strategy, which was added as a preview in PowerMill 2022.1, is now fully released. This strategy finds unmachined stock, known as rest areas, and machines these areas in a similar way to the Steep and Shallow Finishing strategy. The new strategy can be used with 5-axis settings, such as collision avoidance, to machine rest areas continuously in 5-axis. While similar to the Corner Finishing strategy, the Rest Finishing strategy has better coverage of rest areas and often produces a better-quality finish.

Inclined Flat Finishing strategy

Setup improvements

  • Setups can now store connection settings, which apply to all the toolpaths in a setup. Edit the toolpath connection settings from a new Connections page in the Setup dialog.
  • When you drag a toolpath into or out of a setup, the toolpath is now invalidated. This is to prevent errors, for example, when the clamps and stock are different.

Safer automatic collision avoidance

  • Further improvements have been made to the consistency of successive passes when using the Automatic method of Collision Avoidance. Work is ongoing.

Speed improvements

There are general speed improvements to PowerMill to help reduce programming time:

  • Postprocessing NC Programs that have hundreds of toolpaths has been made faster.
  • The speed and multithreading in the spun profile used for turning toolpaths has been improved.
  • The calculation of toolpaths that include flat machining, including Flat Finishing and Area Clearance, has been made faster.
  • The speed of opening projects that have many entities has been improved.
  • The speed of dragging and dropping many items in the Explorer has been significantly