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PTC Mathcad Prime 9.0

avatar sacyou 2023-04-13 00:00 6次浏览 0 条评论 CAD CAM

PTC Mathcad Prime 9.0

Calculations are the heart of your engineering information. You and your team must be able to find, reuse, and share this important intellectual property. Using PTC Mathcad, all formulas and mathematical terms make calculations much easier to check than Microsoft Excel.

PTC Mathcad has all your engineering notebook’s ease of use and familiarity – combined with live mathematical notation, unit intelligence, and powerful calculation capabilities. This engineering math software lets you present your calculations with plots, graphs, text, and images in a single document. Nobody needs specialized skills to understand PTC Mathcad data, and now that your intellectual property has been preserved, you can leverage it for other projects.

Open up a worksheet and perform your engineering calculations using the math notation you’re used to. Add images, write some text, and put in graphs or plots. Your PTC Mathcad worksheet is more than just engineering calculation software or a professionally-formatted document: it’s where your design intent lives.

Solving complex engineering calculations is one thing. Communicating them visually is another. PTC Mathcad Prime 5.0 introduces new easy-to-use plotting capabilities that will help enhance your data visualization.

Overview of PTC Mathcad Prime Features

  • Securely communicate design intent and engineering knowledge
  • Intuitively construct calculations using standard math notation
  • Create professional-quality documents with live math, plots, text, and images
  • Repurpose standardized calculations
  • Increase productivity with complete units support throughout calculations
  • Accelerate training and adoption with instant access to learning