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autodesk Inventor CAM Ultimate 2024

avatar sacyou 2023-04-13 00:00 3次浏览 0 条评论 CAD CAM

autodesk Inventor CAM Ultimate 2024


The following changes have been made in the current update (2024):

Changes for 2D Contour

  • Fixed possible linking issues in Contour2D when input contours contain arcs with the same center. (#41769)
  • Fixed a bug when “finishing feedrate” might not apply to last finishing path. (#41670)
  • Fixed a case when Contour2D could fail to generate toolpath for narrow slots with ramp linking. (#41497)

Changes for Blend & Flow

  • Fixed an issue in Flow operations where the toolpath might not be machined if the tilt angle was exceeded on a machine with limited axial motion. (#39642)
  • Added damping for toolaxis limits in Blend and Flow with a non ball tool. When the toolaxis hits the limit, it will decelerate to a stop rather than stopping suddenly. (#40955)
  • Fixed a possible holder gouge in Blend and Flow strategies with enabled “Trim” option in holder protection. (#42254)
  • Fixed a failed toolpath calculation in Blend which occured in some instances where machining boundaries were used. (#41413)
  • Fixed possible small gouges in Blend, Flow and Multi-axis contour. (#40975)
  • Added Blend toolpath joining in more cases if the endpoints are aligned. This gives fewer and more uniform linking paths. (#39983)
  • Fixed a bug which could result in an empty or incomplete toolpath for Flow. Fixed an issue related to duplicated paths in Flow. (#41394)
  • Fixed a case where Flow (Preview) could fail to calculate a toolpath with an unexpected error. (#40710)
  • Fixed trimmed toopath in undercut areas in Flow with enabled collison avoidance. (#40419)
  • Made improvements so that operations like Flow produces less gouging toolpaths. (#40388)
  • Fixed possible crashes in Blend (#40630, #40507)

Changes for Milling (Other Strategies)

  • Fixed an issue in which 2D Pocket could gouge the part when using Smooth Profile Ramp in some cases with very small arcs. (#42294)
  • Fixed an issue in which the wrong stock to leave was computed against “avoid surfaces”. (#40513)
  • Fixed a possible issue with sub-sampling in Engrave so the toolpath will stay more than tolerance away from selected input curves. (#41035)
  • Improved the performance for Pocket3D. (#38796)
  • Fixed a case where an operation with the combination of selected machining boundaries and adding fillets could fail to generate a toolpath. (#40731)
  • Fixed an issue by preventing ConstScallop from going below Zlow when offsetFromAreas is being used. (#32387)
  • Fixed a possible crash in Spiral with enabled morph option when zero area boundaries are selected. (#36484)
  • Fixed possible crashes in Swarf (#37618, #35718), Trace (#38297), Scallop (#40956), Wrap (#41141), and others. (#41886)