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Bricsys BricsCAD Ultimate

avatar sacyou 2023-04-21 00:00 4次浏览 0 条评论 CAD CAM

Bricsys BricsCAD Ultimate

1. If you have “Bricsys Network License Manager” already installed, uninstall it completly.
2. Install BricsCAD. Do not run it.
3. Install the included RLM License Server in a place of your choice.
There is no installer, just extract the archive where you want.
A directory named “rlm_bricsys” will be cracked.
4. You need to edit the license file to configure the license server.
For this you need 3 information:
1. Your computer host name.
This is how you name your computer so you should know it.
Otherwise Google is your friend.
2. RLM system ID (HOST ID).
The system ID, how is called by RLM, is the MAC address of your main network adapter.
To get it easily: launch BricsCAD, on the Launcher screen click on button “Activate License”.
The license manager will open, click on the link “Activate manually…”. Your computer host ID
aka system ID is displayed on the right of the windows.
3. Port number.
The default TCP/IP port number for RLM Floating License Server is 5053. To avoid conflict with
other RLM Servers we have set it to the value 5064. You should keep it like that be you can change
it if you want.
5. Now that you have all info, open the file “bricsys.lic” in a text editor like Notepad or VIM.
1. Replace by your computer host name.
2. Replace all occurences of by your system ID/MAC address.
3. Eventually replace the port number (it’s the last parameter of the first line) by the value of your choice.
Save changes.
6. Copy the license file in the RLM server directory.
7. Start RLM server by running “rlm.exe.
8. Start BricsCAD, click on “Activate License”. Pick “Server name or address”. Enter your computer
host name or it’s IP (most likely and as port number 5064 or the custom value you eventually have
set at step 7.
9. BricsCAD is now activated with all modules.
If that’s not the case you need to review your RLM setup. Please check the official RLM manual and FAQ for this:
10.Now that everything is working fine you can setup RLM to start at startup as a service or daemon.
1. The easy way is to run “cmd.exe” as administrator and type:
cd bricsys_install_service.cmd
2. The hard way is the read RLM user manual.