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BlueCAD 23.8

avatar sacyou 2023-08-11 00:00 3次浏览 0 条评论 CAD CAM
BlueCAD 23.8
BricsCAD Lite and AutoCAD ® LT 2022 highly compatible

Transfer to BricsCAD without changing the printer, template, block, or sheet set configuration -100% compatible. Instruction names, aliases, and system variables in BricsCAD and AutoCAD ® Same as in. BricsCAD is based on native DWG and can achieve the highest compatibility with other CAD users in all industries.

Instruction compatibility

Menu (. CUI,. CUIX) compatibility

Script and macro compatibility

Support file compatibility (PC3, LIN, PAT, DWT, SSM)

Based on 2018 DWG technology