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avatar sacyou 2023-12-11 00:00 4次浏览 0 条评论 CAD CAM

  • Leading customers have been participating in research and development of CADmeister since the early ages of Japan’s CAD/CAM era. CADmeister was developed and has been enhanced based on the state-of-the-art technologies and experiences which have been accumulated with the customers.
  • Development plans for CADmeister are made on the basis of requests from customers.
  • Customers can entrust us to customize CADmeister module capabilities to meet their specific requirements in the field.

Modern-day artisanal masters create new forms that transcend common sense and limitations.
We believe that supporting their uncompromising persistence is a mission of CAD/CAM systems of the future.
We will continue to challenge ourselves to develop further innovative technologies as the optimal partner for prominent contemporary artisans, tenaciously devoted to manufacturing, through CADmeister which enables them to conceptualize images that could otherwise never be discovered through an evolutionary approach.