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ACI Services eRCM Thermodynamics v1.8.6

avatar sacyou 2022-03-30 00:00 6次浏览 0 条评论 CAD CAM

ACI Services eRCM Thermodynamics v1.8.6

Calculating accurate compressor performance requires accurate thermodynamics. eRCM Thermo integrates ProSim’s Simulis Thermodynamics, allowing gas mixture modeling from nearly 400 individual gas components.

Once a gas/gas mixture is entered, eRCM Thermo dynamically calculates: Gas K (via CP/CV), Gas K (via balanced entropy), Compressibility (Z) factors, Specific Gravity and Density, Water Saturation, Hydrocarbon Liquid Dropouts, Phase envelope curves, Water drop out curves, Hydrate formation curves, Gas Mixing (e.g. from a side stream in), Speed of sound through gas, Variety of Units, And more, like Enthalpy and Entropy.