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TEBIS 4.1 R7 SP3

avatar sacyou 2024-04-07 00:00 6次浏览 0 条评论 CAD CAM
The third release of Tebis 4.1 has made it to the big leagues for its functional improvements and new developments: Shorter programming times with improved NCJob technology, complete collision control accounting for material removal, automatic detection of planar areas – these are just a few of the most important highlights that yield enormous benefits for users in their daily work and that allow them to more quickly and easily reach their goals.

This latest release therefore consistently continues the trend set by Tebis 4.1 – following our motto “Fast and convenient.” As a robust hybrid CAD system with logical and intuitive user guidance, Tebis 4.1 lays the foundation for manufacturing processes that can be automated and that prepare you for the future.