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MagiCAD_2023_for Revit

avatar sacyou 2022-06-21 00:00 5次浏览 0 条评论 CAD CAM

MagiCAD_2023_for Revit 2022

MagiCAD 2023

1. Connection nodes between models


In large Revit projects, models are often divided into multiple smaller files to resolve performance issues. However, since MEP systems often run through many, or all, of the separate model files, this approach prevents running calculations for complete MEP systems.

Connection nodes between models allow you to link systems in separate model files for calculation purposes. There are two methods for adding the connection nodes, manual and automatic. In manual linking you can select the ducts that you want to link in each file. In automatic linking, a linked duct node is automatically imported into the same location in the corresponding model, and you can continue drawing the system from it.

Connection nodes between models was released earlier as a beta version and it is now officially released in MagiCAD 2023 with the following additions:

  • Models do not need to be open for sizing or balancing calculation. A new Calculate this model only selection allows you to perform the calculation using previously calculated values for connection nodes linking to other models.
  • Possibility to add an ID number and comments to connection nodes

2. Space-based selection and installation of air terminals


MagiCAD 2023 introduces a new generative tool for space-based selection and installation of air terminals. You can simply define selection criteria and installation settings and the tool calculates the best available product and layout combinations for the selected space. You can then evaluate the different options and either install a suitable combination or modify the requirements further if needed. There are three different installation options—Space, Space with Rotation, and Space with Ceiling—to accommodate different room shapes and mounting types.


3. Riser creation tool

Ventilation, Piping, Electrical

A new Height Level Riser tool allows you to quickly and easily create single risers in order to make space reservations into floor plans. You can set top and bottom elevations for the riser manually or select reference segments from the model. Multi storey risers can be split by level and created segments will be assigned to levels, this will help keeping objects in correct levels. The Height Level Riser tool is available in the drawing toolbar.