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avatar sacyou 2022-06-21 00:00 4次浏览 0 条评论 CAD CAM


New features in Tebis 4.1
Full of features
More CAD, more CAM, more automation, optimized measurement processes: Tebis 4.1 gives you many functions to make your entire manufacturing process even more economical and reliable.
CAD – parametric design
Faster preparation for manufacturing: Highly automated, flexible preparation of CAM programming with parametric CAD templates

Every imported data set must be prepared for CAM programming in design. This usually takes many individual work steps: Bores for clamping systems must be placed, tilt axis systems defined, fill surfaces designed, blanks created, connection points for setups generated, clamping devices positioned and retract planes defined. These many individual steps can be highly automated in Tebis using parametric CAD templates. These templates can be extended as needed and can be adapted to meet customer-specific requirements. Users can still be highly flexible: Changes – like selecting a different setup system – can now be directly and conveniently controlled via the user parameters in the object tree.

Parametric template technology and the proven Tebis CAM template technology for automated NC programming go hand in hand: They both contain the company’s own manufacturing expertise in CAD and for CAM. CAD and CAM templates enable faster and more efficient manufacturing, and they ensure standards and uniform quality. Companies can be less dependent on the expertise of individual specialists, and new employees will get up to speed more quickly and start contributing productively to the company’s success in the shortest possible time.

The parametric CAD functions are included in the Tebis CAD base model.
Position clamping devices fully automatically using parametric CAD templates, or generate auxiliary geometries and blanks.
Conveniently and flexibly replace individual components afterwards.
Quickly and easily create holes and pockets
The “Solid/Hole” and “Solid/Pocket” functions can be used to create parametric holes, threads and pockets very conveniently at different tilt directions: Simply select the ruled geometry with its complete description – for example, for multi-step holes – directly from the feature library and insert it in the part. This increases process reliability and promotes consistency of the process workflows. As an alternative, you can design bores, threads and pockets interactively.

The bores and pockets can be subtracted from the component with just a few mouse clicks and can later be adjusted at any time.
CAD – Electrode design
Quickly and reliably design electrodes
Electrode projects can be created and managed as objects right in the new CAD structure tree. The key advantage: You store the part and reference point only once in the project – all the electrodes in this project then reference the same part and the same reference point. Of course, you can interactively modify conditions for individual electrodes at any time.

In addition, multiple geometrically identical electrodes can be automatically created and combined in an electrode family. For example, if you need geometrically identical electrodes with different spark gaps for roughing and finishing, this can now be very easily realized with a click of your mouse.

Practical filtering also ensures that the appropriate blank and holder for the electrode are selected. The blank is automatically oriented to the burn surfaces.

Manufacturing and measuring programs can also be managed through the structure tree. Electrode information is documented and transferred.

CAD – Active surface design
Precise results when trimming deep-drawing and bending parts
The “Create development curves” function can be used to quickly and easily determine theoretically designed trim edges for flanges for deep-drawing and bending parts. The material thickness of the component and the location of the neutral fiber are accounted for – the result is highly precise, and no manual reworking is necessary. The quality of the resulting curves corresponds to that of the original curves.
Multiple calculation modes cover different use cases.