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Autodesk Inventor Professional 2022.3.1

avatar sacyou 2022-07-12 00:00 4次浏览 0 条评论 CAD CAM

Autodesk Inventor Professional 2022.3.1


The following changes have been made in the current update (2022.3.1):

Changes for Turning

  • Fixed an issue in which the tool could retract from an incorrect position at the end of a Profile Roughing toolpath. (#34187)

Changes for Drilling

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when editing certain drill operations. (#34031)

The following changes were made in an earlier update (2022.3):

Changes for Selection

  • Fixed a crash which could occur when clicking on a pattern in certain Inventor models. (#33356)
  • Fixed an issue in which the selected chain preview was not correct when changing the loops in 2D contour and 2D profile. (#33400)

Changes for Milling

  • Improved the 2D pocket and contour strategies to avoid having tiny arcs in cutting passes. (#32366)
  • Fixed crashes that could occur in some cases when using the jet, spiral, or trace strategies. (#27365, #27368, #29789)
  • Fixed a toolpath calculation failure that could occur in a slot strategy which produced an “Invalid Contours” error. (#30242)
  • Fixed several cases where a ramp cutting into the part was generated. (#30297)
  • Fixed a stock collision that could occur in 3D adaptive clearing when ‘Order by Area’ was selected. (#30873)
  • Improved linking in the pocket strategy with enabled rest machining to avoid air cutting ramps. (#32132)
  • Fixed an issue in which the wrap radius was not updated when choosing a cylinder and the operation was not accepted. (#30852)

Changes for Tool Library

  • Fixed an issue in which full radius grooving tools with negative “Stock to Leave” would result in an error. (#30196)

Changes for Turning Threads

  • Fixed an issue with certain inside threading toolpaths with “do multiple threads” turned on where threads were created that were crossing each other. (#28886)

Changes for Turning

  • Added the ability to specify “wear” and “inverse wear” compensation types in turning profile finishing operations. (#17928)
  • Fixed an issue with certain turning rest area profile roughing operations where the final pass did not start at z clearance. (#29807)
  • Fixed an issue with certain turning profile roughing toolpaths where more stock was being left on the model than expected. (#30327)
  • Fixed an issue with certain turning profile finishing operations with a face grooving tool where toolpath was not being generated. (#30903)
  • Fixed an issue with certain turning profile roughing toolpaths with rest machining turned on where the final cutting pass was starting inside the material instead of at a clearance distance. (#31460)
  • For turning profile finishing, added the ability to set approach Z to first toolpath point when direction is set to back to front and last toolpath point when direction is set to front to back. (#31815)
  • Fixed an issue of crashing with certain turning profile roughing toolpaths with cycle set to vertical passes and rest machining checked. (#32077)
  • Fixed an issue with certain turn profile roughing and finishing operations where the tangential extension was being clipped to the inner radius for outside turning and outer radius for inside turning. (#29702)