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Dymola 2023

avatar sacyou 2022-09-22 00:00 4次浏览 0 条评论 CAD CAM

Dymola, Dynamic Modeling Laboratory, is a complete tool for modeling and simulation of integrated and complex systems for use within automotive, aerospace, robotics, process and other applications.

Rapidly solve complex multi-disciplinary systems modeling and analysis problems, using Dymola’s best-in-class Modelica and simulation technology. Dymola is a complete environment for model creation, testing, simulation and post-processing.

  • Multi-engineering. Compatible model libraries for many engineering fields enable high-fidelity modeling of complex integrated systems.
  • Modelica. A powerful, object-oriented and formally defined modeling language.
  • Free and commercial libraries. User can easily build own or adapt existing components to match unique needs. Comprehensive portfolio of model libraries.
  • Reuse. Acausal, equation-oriented models allow a component to be used in different contexts and a model to be used for different studies.
  • Symbolic equation processing. Relieves the user from converting equations to assignment statements or block diagrams. Simulations are more efficient and robust.
  • Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation (HILS). Real-time simulation on dSPACE and xPC.
  • Powerful interoperability options with full FMI support and interfaces to Python, the SIMULIA tools Abaqus and iSight as well as Simulink.
  • Animation. Real-time 3D animation and import of CAD files for visualization.